Freddie Mac was set to evict, but finally gave in to pressure, accepted her offer
Viewing a powerful video by Detroit Eviction Defense might have shamed this federally-owned mortgage company into halting its senseless drive to evict this family in November 2014.
By the time Lorraine Dexter realized that a checking account had been hacked and some mortgage checks bounced, Chase Bank had already moved to foreclose on her. Even after she had worked frantically to get the money she owed to the bank in time, Chase went ahead and foreclosed. Freddie Mac took over her home in the Sheriff’s sale and won a court order to immediately seize the home and put Ms. Dexter on the street.
Even after families in all the other homes on her block were evicted she vowed, “I’m the last one standing and I refuse to go easily.” Ms. Dexter’s courageous fight and support from Eviction Defense got Freddie Mac to cancel one eviction hearing after another and finally settle in early 2015.